
How Entrepreneurship Affects Your Relationship, with Lianne Kim

Allison Villa / Lianne Kim Episode 25
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00:00 | 37:02

“When I’m being intentional… our relationship feels stronger.”

—  Lianne Kim


Are you or your partner an entrepreneur? If so, this episode will be especially helpful for you!


Building a business can take up a lot of room in our lives, in terms of both time and emotional space. But it’s important that we don’t forget to weave connection and intimacy into our lives — it’s vital that we nurture our couple just as we nurture our growing businesses!


My special guest for this episode is Lianne Kim, business coach and founder of Mamas & Co., an online community that provides support to mama entrepreneurs. Lianne is not only a savvy businesswoman, but she’s also a strong believer in taking intentional action within her relationship in order to strengthen it.


This episode explores what happens when entrepreneurship meets couplehood — and the challenges that come up when you’re building up a business and a relationship simultaneously. You’ll hear Lianne’s personal story about her entrepreneurial journey and how wanting to create a living on her own terms affected her relationship. You’ll find out why you shouldn’t be afraid of your (or your partner’s) changing dreams and desires. And you’ll learn Lianne’s top tips for building a joyful business. 


In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode of Couplehood,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

✔   The importance of small, regular, intentional actions and moments of authenticity in strengthening your relationship  (with examples)

✔   Why and how you should build play, self care, and creativity into the way that you run your business  

✔  Your special discount code to purchase Lianne’s incredible book!  


“When I’m prioritizing ‘me’ time… I get my best ideas and beautiful connections.”

—  Lianne Kim


Highlights:‌ ‌

00:22  Introduction.

02:13  Meet Lianne Kim.

04:50  Ongoing work and intentional action.

07:36  Love languages and areas of growth.

08:46  Lianne’s relationship/entrepreneurial journey.

12:14  Fears and communication. 

14:04  Moments of authenticity and changing desires.

17:44  Building a Joyful Business.

20:14  Importance of play and creativity.

23:58  Entrepreneurs and self-fulfillment.

26:49  Joy isn’t 24/7.

29:08  Family time and conversation-starters.

30:21  The Sandbox.

31:06  Impact of a joyful business on a relationship.


Links:‌ ‌ ‌

Lianne Kim (Promo: COUPLEHOOD)  

Instagram: @liannekimcoach  


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