
3 Way To Support Your Couple Beyond Traditional Therapy

Allison Villa Episode 33

“You are the secure base for your children. If you’re not good, then it filters down to your kids.”

—  Allison Villa

While the stigma against therapy has fallen quite a bit over the last few decades as more people are accepting its benefits in terms of mental and emotional health, many couples still hesitate to commit to working on their relationship with a professional, for a few different reasons.

Throughout my time as a psychotherapist and relationship expert, I’ve noticed three questions in particular that come up for people considering couples therapy:

What if we can’t afford it?

What if we can’t find the time for it?

What if my partner isn’t onboard with talking about their feelings with a stranger?

These are all very valid concerns — and after experiencing the challenges of going through my own couples therapy with my husband, I knew that I had to come up with accessible options to help other parents!

This episode is all about the obstacles that can prevent couples from getting the support that they want and need — and the online solutions that they can turn to right now!

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode of Couplehood,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • Why I took my practice online long before the pandemic turned the world virtual
  • How the Couples Sandbox can help you reconnect with the play and passion in your relationship 
  • How to use the insights and practices learned through solo therapy to strengthen your connection with your partner 


“I’m all about small steps having a big impact.”

—  Allison Villa


Highlights:‌ ‌

00:24  Introduction

01:45  My couples therapy story

07:31  Therapy solutions

09:11  Virtual therapy

11:02  Couples Sandbox

14:12  Partner hesitation

15:42  Recap

16:32  Couplehood podcast


Links:‌ ‌ ‌


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